Sunday, May 3, 2009

I'm ready to start this Blogging process

Allow me to introduce myself my name is Monique, I'm a 2 and half year Breast Cancer Survivor (and counting), diagnosed under the age of 40. I've recently moved to Dallas, TX, so far so good...but ask me in a couple of weeks or so when the temps are outrageous and I'm hot and sweaty asking myself why did I move here.

I moved to Dallas to be closer to my 2yr old nephew and of course my brother and sister-n-law.

I enjoy recycling food packaging and giftcards. I like to turn these items into Repurposed Upcycled Notebooks inside of them you'll find recycled white copy paper. I personally handcut all my paper to the appropriate size of the notebook and do the binding myself. You are truly getting a handmade item created in my home, I do not send any work out to a 2nd or 3rd party.

If there's packaging that can't be made into a notebook, I'll make gift tags/price tags out of it.

Gift cards also serve another purpose..I like to make wearable jewelry and charms from them.

Ok, enough about going green...I do make new (non-recycled) items as well.

You can check out my creations at:

I look forward to your comments.

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